Buddhist Tattoos Photographs of tattoos with a Buddhist theme or image. Buddhist tattoos including my tattoo that says 'Om mani padme hum'. Greetings to everybody. A few days ago, a friend told me that she wants to get a tattoo ( a buddhist figure or a lotus....). I've seen that in Thailand some people think that buy or sell figures or do tattoo about buddhism is a ...
Buddhist Tattoos http://yahoonews.tumblr.com/post/57164885528/the-sacred-art-of-buddhist-tattoos-or-sak-yant. I had no idea about this tradition. But the pain level must be mind blowing as they are using a guaged needle of a knitting needle ... The Controversial and Inspiring Buddhist Tattoo Designs. buddhist-tattoos. One may say that having a tattoo is just for some show-off or fanatic reasons. But for some, having this kind of art in the body is like having principles ...

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