
Misspelled Tattoos

Misspelled Tattoos Alabama pledge allegence. An Alabama fan had a cute Bear Bryant ditty tattooed onto his forearm, asserting his "pledge of allegence is ROLL TIDE." Tattoos do not have auto-correct. [Photo via Reddit]. Related: Reuben ... An Alabama fan got a tattoo pledging his allegiance to Roll Tide but misspelled allegiance as allegence. Here is a picture.

Misspelled Tattoos An extreme tattoo can be totally badass. Unless you spell it "exreme." a misspelled tattoos 0 The permanent oops: Misspelled TATTOOS (20 photos). 2. misspelled tattoos 1 The permanent oops: Misspelled TATTOOS (20 photos). 3. misspelled tattoos 2 The permanent oops: Misspelled ...


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